AMP Partners offers the service of Investor’s Supervision Inspector, who controls the course of construction not only to the extent necessary to meet the requirements of construction law, but extended by full control of quality and timeliness of works, correctness of performed works, materials used or technology in order to fully protect the interests of the Investor at the construction site.
We provide the ability to perform the function of Investor’s Supervisor in the following industries:
- Structural and construction,
- Architectural,
- Road,
- Bridge,
- Sanitary (plumbing, gas, HVAC),
- Electrical and tele technical.
AMP Partners’ team of Supervising Inspectors will ensure care, the highest quality of workmanship and compliance of the Project with the approved project documentation.
Bearing in mind the Client’s requirements for implementation of strategic Investment tasks in a manner that ensures safety of employees, third parties, property and with respect for the environment – we offer the service of an additional independent OHS Supervisor.
Our inspectors have the appropriate knowledge and experience, and are active members of the National Associations of Occupational Safety and Health Service Employees.
Our projects
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